Busy, busy, busy!

First off, I am aware that I haven’t blogged in almost two weeks (and I’m feeling pretty behind because of that!). This blog is going to be primarily devoted to catching everyone at home up on what I’ve been doing recently, because I’ve been quite busy (too busy to blog), so I should probably say why! Feel free to email me or comment if you want to hear about any of these subjects more in depth.

First off, the main reason that this blog comes belatedly is that about a week and a half ago, I came home from a trip to a nearby city and walked into my room to find that my computer, Ipod and external hard drive gone. It would appear that someone came into our house (while my host dad was home!), went into my room, grabbed what they could find, and left. They seem to have been in a hurry because the power chords were left behind. Anyways, that has been a detriment to my ability to blog. Luckily, Travis has a tablet and keyboard that he was willing to lend me, so I can start catching up on all the writing that I’ve fallen behind on.

Last week was also a difficult time to blog because we were all just very busy! At the beginning of the week we went on a mission trip with our pastor and the church’s worship team to a city named Wonosobo, where we helped to run a church service. The drive up was about four hours, but it was incredibly beautiful, so I didn’t mind at all (though some others were feeling a bit carsick because of how twisty the road was). The city is known for how cold it is, which meant that I actually got to wear a hoodie at night (not really because I had to, but I brought it along, figured I should).

When we got back from Wonosobo, we caught our breath for a day, and then went to the church’s seminary college for a program called “golden times” which is the first year of the program, which involves lots of guest speakers, and basically preparation for studying to become a pastor. I could actually resonate a lot with the idea behind the program: finding out more about yourself and the world before you go to do more studying is, well, I suppose exactly what I’m trying to do. Anyways, we were there with one of the pastors from Maranatha (who just happens to be married to our local leader, Lilly), to watch and then give testimony. I ended up the only one who gave mine (time limitations), and I spoke about how God influenced my decision to do a year of service.

After returning home, we went to go buy food before staring work on thanksgiving dinner (which we finally ended up eating yesterday) There was quite a bit of “this is close enough to the same, right?” involved, but it was definitely a lot of fun to make all these foods that I’ve always eaten but never really been too in involved in the process of cooking. Luckily for me, Travis and Ashlynn both really know what they’re doing in a kitchen, so I could basically just come along for the ride and follow recipes.

This meal was one of the ways that we’re getting involved in the church, because the people who came were cell group and worship leaders in the church. Many of these people we knew already, but it was still good to get to know them better. The food seemed reasonably well accepted.

All in all, despite loosing some tech stuff, It’s been an ok couple of weeks! I’ll probably put up a more in-depth, descriptive blog this weekend, because I lost a week in there somewhere.

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